BuckyPaper- Carbon Nanotube Paper |
NanoLab prepares BuckyPaper, a sheet form of our carbon nanotubes, in various sizes and thickness for your research and development needs. BuckyPaper is made from our 95% purity multiwall carbon nanotubes, and can be made from our single-wall or double-wall
nanotubes on request.
Preparation: |
To prepare BuckyPaper, our carbon nanotubes are suspended in water, using our NanoSperse AQ surfactant. We then filter the suspension onto a membrane
support. After drying, the paper is removed from the support, leaving a free-standing paper. Details are below.
Porosity & flow: |
Standard BuckyPaper is ~50% dense, and can be tailored for particular applications. Our testing shows that standard BuckyPaper excludes the passage of
colloidal particles ~50nm and larger.
Electrical: |
The resistance of BuckyPaper was measured by sputtering gold contacts on a strip of nanotube paper with dimensions 3.3mm wide by 0.13mm thick. The two point
resistance measured over a 7.8mm gap was ~18ohms. The resistivity of the paper is ~ 0.1 ohm-cm.
Mechanical: |
BuckyPaper can be folded, cut with scissors, like notebook paper. We have investigated its mechanical properties after infiltrating the paper with epoxy
base matrix phases. contact us for details.
Usage: |
Electrochemical electrodes, filters, scaffolds, cell culturing, composites. |
Typical data of SEM-EDS analysis of carbon nanotube paper
Preparation of Buckypaper from Nanotubes -- pdf
Preparation of Composites from Buckypaper --
pdf |
Standard offering:
(Click on the cell below to order our standard 40mm online. Contact us for larger size and custom made cnt papers) |
In 2002, NanoLab developed our process for the production of freestanding carbon nanotube paper, a.k.a. "buckypaper." Using our process, we can make
buckypapers from MWNT, DWNT and SWNT. To make the carbon nanotubes amenable to aqueous processing, they need to be first purified. Purification of our
carbon nanotubes takes place in hydrochloric acid (HCl) to dissolve residual catalyst iron particles. Once the nanotubes have been acid treated and washed
with DI water, they are resuspeded in deionized water, using our Nanosperse AQ surfactant. After sonication, we obtain a nanotube suspension that is stable
for months at a time without settling. A volume of this suspension is poured into a filtration unit. Both vacuum based and pressurized filtration units can
be used to pull/push the suspension through the filter membrane. Nanotubes deposit on the filter surface, and this rapidly turns into a continuous nanotube
sheet. The volume of suspension and its concentration dictates the resulting thickness of the paper. After deposition, the nanotube paper is removed from
the supporting filter membrane, leaving a free-standing paper, as large as 8 X 10”. Other standard sizes are 40 mm and 125 mm diameter.
Free-standing papers are typically ~100 microns or more in thickness. Thin papers (<20 micron) are difficult to remove from the filter support, although
binders or very long (>50 micron) carbon nanotubes make thinner free-standing papers possible. The process makes a porous buckypaper that can be
tailored by changing the deposition parameters. Our typical MWNT buckypaper product is ~50% dense, and the replacement of the water base for ethanol results
in lower density ~25%. Despite the low density of these ethanol-based papers, our testing shows that they exclude the passage of colloidal particles ~50nm
and larger.
updated: 05/10/2017 |