PD15L1-5-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 1 g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

PD15L1-5-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

PD15L5-20-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 1g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

PD15L5-20-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

PD30L1-5-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 1g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

PD30L1-5-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux..
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

PD30L5-20-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 1g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

PD30L5-20-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

BPD30L1-5-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure, 1g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure, made by CVD, and treated to a nitric sulfuric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

BPD30L1-5-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure, 5g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure., produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

BPD30L5-20-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure, 1g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure are produced by sulfuric/nitric reflux..
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

BPD30L5-20-COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure, 5g COOH Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure are functionalized by sulfuric/nitric reflux.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Pd1.5L1-5-COOH Functionalized Singlewall Carbon Nanotubes, 1g COOH functionalized singlewall carbon nanotubes, produced by CVD method ,then treated in a sulfuric/nitric reflux. Diameter:~1.5nm Length:1-5 microns Purity:>95%

PD1.5L1-5-COOH Functionalized Singlewall Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH functionalized singlewall carbon nanotubes are produced by CVD method then treated with a sulfuric/nitric reflux. Diameter:~1.5nm Length:1-5 microns Purity:>95%

PD4L5-20-COOH Functionalized Doublewall Carbon Nanotubes, 1g COOH functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method, then functionalized via sulfuric/nitric acid reflux. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 5-20 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

PD4L5-20-COOH Functionalized Doublewall Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method, then functionalized via sulfuric/nitric acid reflux. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 5-20 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

PD4L1-5-COOH Functionalized Doublewall Carbon Nanotubes, 1g You have chosen COOH functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method, then functionalized via sulfuric/nitric acid reflux. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 1-5 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

PD4L1-5-COOH Functionalized Doublewall Carbon Nanotubes, 5g COOH functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method, then functionalized via sulfuric/nitric acid reflux. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 1-5 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 15 ± 5 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Amine Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes You have chosen Amine Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 15 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes,Bamboo Structure You have chosen bamboo structure Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes,Bamboo Structure You have chosen bamboo structure, Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 1-5 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes, Bamboo Structure You have chosen Bamboo Structure, Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes,Bamboo Structure You have chosen Bamboo Structure, Amide Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes.
Outer Diameter: 30 ± 10 nm
Length: 5-20 microns

Amide Functionalized Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) Produced by CVD Method You have chosen amide functionalized Singlewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method. Diameter:~1.5nm Length:1-5 microns Purity:>95%

Amide Functionalized Singlewall Carbon Nanotubes Produced by CVD Method You have chosen amide functionalized Singlewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method. Diameter:~1.5nm Length:1-5 microns Purity:>95%

Amide Functionalized Doublewall Carbon Nanotubes Produced by CVD Method You have chosen amide functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 5-20 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

Amide Functionalized Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes Produced by CVD Method, DWNT You have chosen amide functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 5-20 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

Amide Functionalized, Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes produced by CVD method, 1g You have chosen amide functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 1-5 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g

Amide Functionalized, Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes Produced by CVD , 5g You have chosen amide functionalized doublewall carbon nanotubes produced by CVD method. Purity >95%
Outside Diameter:4 ± 1nm
Length 1-5 microns
SSA 200 - 400 m2/g
